Pantelleria Diving

Exciting diving in crystal clear waters, surrounded by flora and fauna worthy of our Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Sicily.
The sea around Pantelleria is rich of archaeological sites, evidence of a glorious past.
Diving for any skill level, let’s be surprised by the variety of colors, the seabed and the meadows of Pinna Nobilis.
Scuba diving takes place in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.
Sea/wind conditions are not a problem; it is always possible to find a suitable place circumnavigating an island.
All day long sea trips around the island are frequent and non-divers are welcome to spend a joyful day at sea in the sunshine.

Diving Map

Punta tre Pietre (THREE STONES TIP)

At a depth of about 10 mt the Posidonia oceanica covers the first large step of rock and landslide, descending with a vertical wall around 25 meters we find sponges encrusting by multiple colors, cnidarians and small octocorals and astroides. Many molluscs , including considerable size Tritons.Among the boulders scattered on the bottom, 36 mt meet depth , groupers, moray eels and large Red Fishes.

Punta tre pietre (THREE STONES TIP)

Taglio di Scauri

It is located in the southwest side of the island, at about 1.5 Km off the coast. Plunging to a depth of approximately 15 m on a oceanic poseidonia prairie we’ll reach a very deep vertical cliff .Along the ridge of the left wall, descending to a depth of 20/25 mt we’ll discover multiple spirografi and ceriantus. There will be snapper, kingfish, lobsters and moray eels. Octopuses are always present. Always good level of visibility.

Taglio di Scauri

Cala Tramontana

It is located on the eastern side of the island; an unforgettable dive along the right wall of the cliff searching for various forms of life in a cave. At 15 m. deep the Black Rocks, covered by astroides colonies switch into orange At 40 mt we will be surrounded by red, white sea fans and colorful sponges.Reaching a large cut called "Cave of shrimps" we allow ourselves to be entertained by many shrimp, could observe a great forkbeards or Bream, groupers, await for us with curiosity.

Cala Tramontana

Punta spadillo

Located in the northeast of the island, it is the deepest point close to the coast, the seabed reaching 185 meters. The Black Rocks on the coast tip in wonderful contrast with the dazzling white of the seabed. Parrot fish are everywhere, but the deeper we go we’ll find memorable groupers , schools of yellowtail and bream.Do not miss your date with octopus, scorpion fish and moray eels.

Punta spadillo

Shallow waters of Campobello

Located on the north-eastern edge of the island, at about 100 meters from the coast line it is often exposed to Mistral and Sirocco winds. The seabed is frequently beaten by a strong sea stream ;the top at 12 mt, the bottom over 40 mt. Plunging to 38 mt we could see beautiful groupers behind the rocks, lobsters and large morays or some great pelacigo swimming in the deepest blue.

Shallow waters of Campobello

Punta rubasacchi(RUBASACCHI TIP)

It is located on the eastern side of the island. We‘ll be welcome by a multitude of anchovies and damselfish. The dive will take place following the coast wall on our right, the depth remains constant, 30/35 mt until we reach the overhang. Among large purple boulders we’ll meet groupers, forkbeards, moray eels and octopus , colorful nudibranchs. Once we reach the overhang ridge sea bream shoals will be really close to us.

Punta rubasacchi(RUBASACCHI TIP)


The resort of Martingana is located along the south coast of the island, an area sheltered from the winds of the North West and characterized by the presence of terraces cultivated with capers and Zibibbo. The dive can be performed either from the ground, descending from the lava flow, and coming to a natural cove, or from the sea, after a short, but beautiful navigation. Just let down a few meters on white rocks, we will head to the bottom, following the impressive volcanic wall that will take us up to the maximum depth of 38/40 m. Noteworthy is the spectacular "White Sabbione" that stretches from the foot of the wall until the eye can see; this esplanade is home of some enormous Pinna Nobilis fishes.Here and there we notice the presence of Cerianti who open their tentacles to the current and, if we are lucky, might encounter with a moray returning from hunting; it will be an unforgettable show. The” great wall “ , the goal of this dive is full of cracks and small natural niches; here we’ll see small shrimps, lobsters and Polychaetes Sedentary such as Serpule Red, Red or White crested Protule.The inevitable "clouds" of Castagnole accompany us to the bottom where we could see many nudibranchs, especially Flabellines and Discodoris. Leaving the bottom we’ll reach the surface following the " top of the wall” , here observing Brune Groupers and Dotti fishes.


Punta li Marsi

Among the most exciting underwater sites of Pantelleria ,Punta Li Marsi is located in the southern part of the island, near Martingana. The dive runs along a wall that descends gently to the bottom joints to a depth of 32 m it is possible to observe an inactive mine dating back to the Second World War.

Punta li Marsi

Secca di Nikà

The Nikà’s Secca ( secca= low waters) is located on the west coast of the island.It is one of the most attractive places for scuba diving in Pantelleria. It is a corner of entirely unique sea; the secca is reached diving along an anchor for about fifteen meters .From there, reaching 35/40 m will be nough to see pelagic fish, bream and snappers . The rocks’s and bottom ‘s conformation make the Nikà secca extremely interesting for photography enthusiasts; in some places there are small colonies of sponges, the inevitable Octopus and Murene.For the most attentive observers, it will not be difficult to meet some beautiful Cicale di Mare (Magnosella).The shoal is a dive site where you also frequently encounter the Barracudas too.

Secca di Nikà
Punta Karace

Cala Gadir

Cala Gadir since ancient times has been a safe place to recovery in bad sea conditions; so did the Roman Galee ( ships) too.It is an extraordinary site for those who love sea archeology; descending slowly ,between 16 to 30 meters you can see a Roman anchor and a multitude of Punic and Roman amphorae, dating from the second century B.C. to the second century A.C.

Cala Gadir

Faraglione ( SPUR)

Punta Tracino, located between Cala Levante and Cala Tramontana, offers a spectacular view of her cliff that rising from the sea to the considerable height of 35 m. Diving here, close to this spectacular spur overlooking the sea is really exciting: the water is of rare transparency and, therefore, visibility is considerable. After circumnavigating Punta Tracino’s Faraglione (High Rock, Spur), we’ll dive into crystalline waters that allow to observe with great ease, shoals of bream, Grouper, snapper and amberjack of considerable size. Between 16 to 30 meters you can see Punic and Roman amphorae, dating from the second century B.C. to the second century A.C. Deeper, at about 38-40 m, we can enjoy the wonderful view of the multi-colored sea fans that stand out among the collapsed boulders and dazzling white sand bottom.

Faraglione ( SPUR)

Cala Levante

Cala Levante

Punta tre Pietre ( THREE STONES TIP)

At a depth of about 10 mt the Posidonia oceanica covers the first large step of rock and landslide, descending with a vertical wall around 25 meters we find sponges encrusting by multiple colors, cnidarians and small octocorals and astroides. Many molluscs , including considerable size Tritons.Among the boulders scattered on the bottom, 36 mt meet depth , groupers, moray eels and large Red Fishes

Taglio di Scauri

It is located in the southwest side of the island, at about 1.5 Km off the coast. Plunging to a depth of approximately 15 m on a oceanic poseidonia prairie we’ll reach a very deep vertical cliff . Along the ridge of the left wall, descending to a depth of 20/25 mt we’ll discover multiple spirografi and ceriantus. There will be snapper, kingfish, lobsters and moray eels. Octopuses are always present. Always good level of visibility.

Cala Tramontana

It is located on the eastern side of the island; an unforgettable dive along the right wall of the cliff searching for various forms of life in a cave.At 15 m. deep the Black Rocks, covered by astroides colonies switch into orange At 40 mt we will be surrounded by red, white sea fans and colorful sponges.Reaching a large cut called "Cave of shrimps" we allow ourselves to be entertained by many shrimp, could observe a great forkbeards or Bream, groupers, await for us with curiosity.

Punta spadillo

Located in the northeast of the island, it is the deepest point close to the coast, the seabed reaching 185 meters. The Black Rocks on the coast tip in wonderful contrast with the dazzling white of the seabed. Parrot fish are everywhere, but the deeper we go we’ll find memorable groupers , schools of yellowtail and bream.Do not miss your date with octopus, scorpion fish and moray eels.

Shallow waters of Campobello.

Located on the north-eastern edge of the island, at about 100 meters from the coast line it is often exposed to Mistral and Sirocco winds. The seabed is frequently beaten by a strong sea stream ;the top at 12 mt, the bottom over 40 mt. Plunging to 38 mt we could see beautiful groupers behind the rocks, lobsters and large morays or some great pelacigo swimming in the deepest blue.

Punta rubasacchi(RUBASACCHI TIP)

It is located on the eastern side of the island. We‘ll be welcome by a multitude of anchovies and damselfish. The dive will take place following the coast wall on our right, the depth remains constant, 30/35 mt until we reach the overhang. Among large purple boulders we’ll meet groupers, forkbeards, moray eels and octopus , colorful nudibranchs. Once we reach the overhang ridge sea bream shoals will be really close to us.


The resort of Martingana is located along the south coast of the island, an area sheltered from the winds of the North West and characterized by the presence of terraces cultivated with capers and Zibibbo. The dive can be performed either from the ground, descending from the lava flow, and coming to a natural cove, or from the sea, after a short, but beautiful navigation. Just let down a few meters on white rocks, we will head to the bottom, following the impressive volcanic wall that will take us up to the maximum depth of 38/40 m. Noteworthy is the spectacular "White Sabbione" that stretches from the foot of the wall until the eye can see; this esplanade is home of some enormous Pinna Nobilis fishes.Here and there we notice the presence of Cerianti who open their tentacles to the current and, if we are lucky, might encounter with a moray returning from hunting; it will be an unforgettable show. The” great wall “ , the goal of this dive is full of cracks and small natural niches; here we’ll see small shrimps, lobsters and Polychaetes Sedentary such as Serpule Red, Red or White crested Protule.The inevitable "clouds" of Castagnole accompany us to the bottom where we could see many nudibranchs, especially Flabellines and Discodoris. Leaving the bottom we’ll reach the surface following the " top of the wall” , here observing Brune Groupers and Dotti fishes.

Punta li Marsi

Among the most exciting underwater sites of Pantelleria ,Punta Li Marsi is located in the southern part of the island, near Martingana. The dive runs along a wall that descends gently to the bottom joints to a depth of 32 m it is possible to observe an inactive mine dating back to the Second World War.

Secca di Nikà

The Nikà’s Secca ( secca= low waters) is located on the west coast of the island.It is one of the most attractive places for scuba diving in Pantelleria. It is a corner of entirely unique sea; the secca is reached diving along an anchor for about fifteen meters .From there, reaching 35/40 m will be nough to see pelagic fish, bream and snappers . The rocks’s and bottom ‘s conformation make the Nikà secca extremely interesting for photography enthusiasts; in some places there are small colonies of sponges, the inevitable Octopus and Murene.For the most attentive observers, it will not be difficult to meet some beautiful Cicale di Mare (Magnosella).The shoal is a dive site where you also frequently encounter the Barracudas too.

Cala Gadir

Cala Gadir since ancient times has been a safe place to recovery in bad sea conditions; so did the Roman Galee ( ships) too.It is an extraordinary site for those who love sea archeology; descending slowly ,between 16 to 30 meters you can see a Roman anchor and a multitude of Punic and Roman amphorae, dating from the second century B.C. to the second century A.C.

Faraglione( SPUR)

Punta Tracino, located between Cala Levante and Cala Tramontana, offers a spectacular view of her cliff that rising from the sea to the considerable height of 35 m. Diving here, close to this spectacular spur overlooking the sea is really exciting: the water is of rare transparency and, therefore, visibility is considerable. After circumnavigating Punta Tracino’s Faraglione (High Rock, Spur), we’ll dive into crystalline waters that allow to observe with great ease, shoals of bream, Grouper, snapper and amberjack of considerable size. Between 16 to 30 meters you can see Punic and Roman amphorae, dating from the second century B.C. to the second century A.C. Deeper, at about 38-40 m, we can enjoy the wonderful view of the multi-colored sea fans that stand out among the collapsed boulders and dazzling white sand bottom.